terça-feira, dezembro 05, 2006


Presented by GAIA

From the heart of the homeland, spring the lives of women. Full of joy and laughter in peaceful times, they are forced into extraordinary situations when war descends upon them. Girls become fighters and women, the bearers of life, become bearers of death. When it comes to suffering, fighting and dying, they are equal to men. Yet, from the destruction, new strengths are born.

A physical journey telling the story of five women, through times of war, persecution, love and hope.

Burton Taylor Studio, Oxford, UK

6 & 7/12/2006

Sem mais, porque as duvidas relativas a todo o processo criativo se mantem, aqui fica o anuncio...

Depois dos espectaculos, vira a reflexao sobre tudo isto...
E ja agora, fica o desafio a quem for ver para depois deixar aqui a sua critica...

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